Garrett Beck
Head Adult Insturctor / Youth Instructor
Garrett was first introduced to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) through the early days of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). At that time, there were no local gyms focused on this martial art. By 2006, however, he began training at the Yamasaki Academy. While with the Yamasaki Academy, he met and befriended Abmar Barbosa. As a blue belt, Garrett began training with him ultimately earning his black belt in 2013. Soon afterward, he traveled to teach BJJ in Abu Dhabi for one year, subsequently returning to Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C. area to continue teaching and training.
East Coast Grappling Championships V
Blue belt featherweight bronze medalist
Copa Pessoa Blue belt light weight Champion
US Grappling submission only Blue belt featherweight and absolute silver medalist
Freestyle grappling open Blue belt lightweight champion
Pan American Championship Purple belt featherweight silver medalist
New York Open Purple belt featherweight bronze medalist
New York Open Purple belt absolute silver medalist
Freestyle Grappling Open Purple belt lightweight champion
Copa Impacto Jacutinga Purple belt lightweight champion
Copa Impacto Jacutinga Purple belt absolute bronze medalist
Festival Do Jiu-Jitsu Purple belt superfight champion
Festival Do Jiu-Jitsu Purple belt absolute bronze medalist
San Francisco Open Purple belt lightweight silver medalist
Copa NoVA Purple belt lightweight champion
World Pro Trails Purple belt lightweight bronze medalist
Las Vegas International Open Brown belt lightweight silver medalist